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2.4 Generating Keys

Now Jim, Abe and Beth must each generate an RSA key pair for themselves. This step requires choosing a key identifier. Typical key identifiers are similar to email addresses, possibly modified with some prefix or suffix to distinguish multiple keys held by the same owner. Our example programmers will use their email addresses at the fictional “” domain name. When we ask for a key to be generated, monotone will ask us for a passphrase. This phrase is used to encrypt the key when storing it on disk, as a security measure.

Jim does the following:

$ mtn genkey
enter passphrase for key ID [] (...): <Jim enters his passphrase>
confirm passphrase for key ID [] (...): <Jim confirms his passphrase>
mtn: generating key-pair ''
mtn: storing key-pair '' in /home/jim/.monotone/keys
mtn: key '' has hash '398cb10dcd4fadf4f7849a3734b626a83e0bb2ae'

Abe does something similar:

$ mtn genkey
enter passphrase for key ID [] (...): <Abe enters his passphrase>
confirm passphrase for key ID [] (...): <Abe confirms his passphrase>
mtn: generating key-pair ''
mtn: storing key-pair '' in /home/abe/.monotone/keys
mtn: key '' has hash '62d8d1798e716868acde75c0fc4c84760003863d'

as does Beth:

$ mtn genkey
enter passphrase for key ID [] (...): <Beth enters her passphrase>
confirm passphrase for key ID [] (...): <Beth confirms her passphrase>
mtn: generating key-pair ''
mtn: storing key-pair '' in /home/beth/.monotone/keys
mtn: key '' has hash 'c1d47c065a21f1e1c4fbdefaa2f37bd2c15ee4b1'

Each programmer has now generated a key pair and placed it in their keystore. Each can list the keys in their keystore, to ensure the correct key was generated. For example, Jim might see this:

$ mtn list keys

[public keys]
398cb10dcd4fadf4f7849a3734b626a83e0bb2ae   (*)
(*) - only in /home/jim/.monotone/keys/

[private keys]

The hexadecimal string printed out before each key name is a fingerprint of the key, and can be used to verify that the key you have stored under a given name is the one you intended to store. Monotone will never permit one keystore to store two keys with the same fingerprint, however distincts keys with equal names are possible.

This output shows one private and one public key stored under the name, so it indicates that Jim’s key-pair has been successfully generated and stored. On subsequent commands, Jim will need to re-enter his passphrase in order to perform security-sensitive tasks.

Pretty soon Jim gets annoyed when he has to enter his passphrase every time he invokes mtn (and, more importantly, it simplifies the tutorial text to skip the passphrase prompts) so he decides to use ssh-agent to store his key. He does this by using the ssh_agent_export command to export his key into a format that ssh-agent can understand and adding it with ssh-add.

$ mtn ssh_agent_export ~/.ssh/id_monotone
enter passphrase for key ID [] (1234abcd...):
enter new passphrase for key ID [] (1234abcd...):
confirm passphrase for key ID [] (1234abcd...):
$ chmod 600 ~/.ssh/id_monotone

From now on, Jim just needs to add his key to ssh-agent when he logs in and he will not need to enter his passphrase every time he uses monotone.

$ ssh-agent /bin/bash
$ ssh-add ~/.ssh/id_monotone
Enter passphrase for /home/user/.ssh/id_monotone:
Identity added: /home/user/.ssh/id_monotone (/home/user/.ssh/id_monotone)
$ mtn ci -m"Changed foo to bar"
$ mtn push

The following procedure is deprecated and not suggested for general use as it is very insecure.

Jim isn’t very worried about security so he decides to store his passphrase in his monotonerc file. He does this by writing a hook function which returns the passphrase:

$ mkdir ~/.monotone
$ cat >>~/.monotone/monotonerc
function get_passphrase(key_identity)
  return "jimsekret"

Now whenever monotone needs his passphrase, it will call this function instead of prompting him to type it. Note that we are appending the new hook to the (possibly existing) file. We do this to avoid losing other changes by mistake; therefore, be sure to check that no other get_passphrase function appears in the configuration file.

Abe and Beth do the same, with their secret passphrases.

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