Monotone in the blogs

Indefero 1.1 released by Thomas Keller, 20 March 2011 | 2:04 pm

I’m pleased to announce the immediate release of [Indefero 1.1]( This release features support for another version control system, [monotone](, and comes with tons of smaller improvements and bug fixes. A full list of changes can be found in the [News]( [...] » read more

mtn-browse 0.72 and accompanying Perl library released by Thomas Keller, 6 March 2011 | 12:34 am

Tony Cooper announced a new release of his [Monotone Browser]( software and also a new version of the underlying [Monotone::AutomateStdio]( Perl library. Both packages are now compatible with the most recent version [...] » read more

Monotone branch renaming revisited by Richard Levitte's journal, 28 February 2011 | 8:40 am

Up until now, branch renaming has been a tricky issue with monotone... and for good reasons. What makes it tricky is that as soon as a branch has left the building (in this case, your own database) out into the world (basically, any other database), you're stuck with what there is unless you track down every damn database where it has ended up and [...] » read more

Moments of love by Thomas Keller, 22 January 2011 | 3:17 pm

There are certain moments in my life where I feel this love. Love and satisfaction. In these moments I do not regret at all to still work for an “underdog” version control system like [monotone]( and have not converted to the dark side of the moon (read: git). One of these moments was today, when … Continue [...] » read more

monotone activity roundup by Thomas Keller, 21 January 2011 | 11:55 am

If you remember my earlier post(s) you probably ask where the highly anticipated version _one dot zero_ remains. Originally we planned to release it by the end of 2010, but we couldn’t really meet that date because we really wanted to polish a couple of things before releasing it. So what is the new plan … Continue reading monotone act [...] » read more

monotone docathon on Sunday, 18:00 UTC by Thomas Keller, 17 December 2010 | 12:56 am

The monotone team holds a “docathon” – a small documentation sprint – next Sunday, Dec 19th 2010, starting at 18:00 UTC for approx. 6hrs. During this time we meet on IRC and want to collaboratively tidy the [wiki pages](/wiki), further improve the [manual](, update [INSTALL](http [...] » read more

Done packaging usher by Richard Levitte's journal, 2 December 2010 | 11:27 pm

I've finished packaging usher... at least the upcoming 1.0 (which comes as 1.0~dev for now). Some have asked me if I can backport it to usher 0.99, and sure, I certainly can. There are two ways to do that, one is to have the tool usherctl (which is part of 1.0~dev but not 0.99) be part of the debian package, or do things a bit differently (and qui [...] » read more

guitone 1.0rc5 Windows installer available by Thomas Keller, 29 November 2010 | 11:41 pm

Sorry that it took a while, but I got largely distracted by other things. Finally the Windows installer binary for [guitone 1.0rc5]( is [available for download]( – compiled under WinXP SP3 with Qt 4.7.1. Please let me know if you en [...] » read more

Monotone tip of the day: using usher as drop in replacement by Richard Levitte's journal, 25 November 2010 | 2:36 pm

I've started fiddling with usher on Debian and trying to figure out a good way to have it replace a bare monotone server (the way it's currently done with the Debian package monotone-server), and the big question was how to have a smooth and transparent transition. Of course, it's a matter of configuration, and the result I came with was to have a [...] » read more

Things to do for monotone v1.0 by Richard Levitte's journal, 18 November 2010 | 4:18 pm

For monotone v1.0, it would be nice if we actually released something that felt fairly complete. The question is, what should be included? Right this moment, I'm looking through the contributed scripts that are packaged in the source distribution, making sure they work properly with the latest release, that they use up to date technology (let me [...] » read more

Cool things with monotone 0.99 by Richard Levitte's journal, 11 November 2010 | 2:45 pm

If you follow what's happening with monotone, you've probably seen that there's been some major development lately, and that we're getting much closer to a version 1.0. As a matter of fact, 0.99 is more or less to be seen as a pre-release, or RC1, or something like that. It's full of nice little tricks that you can do to make yoru life easier. For [...] » read more

guitone 1.0rc5 released by Thomas Keller, 6 November 2010 | 1:24 am

I’m proud to announce the immediate release of guitone 1.0rc5. This fifth release candidate requires monotone 0.99.1 or later. The plan is to release guitone 1.0 final together with monotone 1.0 final by the end of this year. Amongst some minor bug fixes, this release also features a new “server mode” with which remote monotone &h [...] » read more

Monotone moving on by Richard Levitte's journal, 2 November 2010 | 3:52 pm

Not long ago, after having been served by my server for a few years, the monotone repository has moved to another server, integrated in a project infrastructure powered by indefero. Please see us at Not all services are up yet, it seems like buildbot's support for monotone is seriously lacking, it even seems to be removed [...] » read more

monotone 0.99.1 released (updated) by Thomas Keller, 31 October 2010 | 11:26 pm

The monotone team just released 0.99.1 of its version control system. This is a minor patch release which fixes two regressions: 1. If monotone 0.99 was built on x86_64, a missing variable initialization lead to a crash when parsing netsync URLs. 2. monotone 0.99 reported wrongly `12.1` as automate interface version number, whereas this should &hel [...] » read more

monotone 0.99 released (Updated) by Thomas Keller, 29 October 2010 | 12:35 am

**[Update]** Unfortunately some last minute changes make this release break on x86_64 – the issue has been fixed in the meantime, [the patch is available here]( My apologies, we’ll put out a new release shortly. **[/Update]** We, the monotone dev [...] » read more

How monotone changes your views and your ways by Richard Levitte's journal, 18 March 2006 | 8:02 pm

I've noticed how much monotone has changed my habits and views on version control. From being a fairly mature CVS user and hacker, I've now fully moved to use monotone as much as I can. It was most noticable a couple of days ago, when I worked on some project that's still versioned using CVS, and wondered why so many files were missing, until I rea [...] » read more