People requesting funding
Lapo and Gabriele
we shouldn't "need" anything, meaning that we can probably manage, though a bit of help would not be unwelcome of course
Markus Schiltknecht
flight: 651.80 USD (EUR 495.51 - british airways)
hotel: 10 x 35 USD = 350 USD (room with 2 occupants)
costs total: 1000 USD, of which I can pay 500 USD myself.
total amount needed: 500 USD
Zack Weinberg
285 USD for hotel (if attending at all)
Thomas Moschny
300 USD
Christof Petig
I can pay my flight but I ask for funding for the hotel (300 $).
People who might be able to help with funding, if we run out
Graydon, Jack Cummings