Using editable_working_tree for not only update but also for revert and checkout should allow us to re-use conflict detection and resolution machinery. For now this page lists some things about the different types of conflicts that can occur and how we'll deal with them.


*are these all done? I think they might be.. -- DC *


  • create a new file or directory in _MTN/tmp/
  • may be blocked by stale _MTN/tmp entries
  • detect these early and fail by treating the existence of _MTN/tmp as a lock
  • update workspace version and migrate_workspace to new format
  • perhaps rename MTN/tmp to something less tmp-ish ... MTN/var ?


  • move _MTN/tmp/ to proper path
  • may be blocked by an existing unversioned file or dir
  • detect these in preliminary run of editable_working_tree against list of files/dirs from workspace


  • move path to _MTN/tmp/
  • may be blocked by stale _MTN/tmp entries
  • detect these early and fail by treating the existence of _MTN/tmp as a lock
  • update workspace version and migrate_workspace to new format
  • perhaps rename MTN/tmp to something less tmp-ish ... MTN/var ?


  • remove _MTN/tmp/
  • may be blocked by unversioned files in detached dir
  • detect these in preliminary run of editable_working_tree against list of files/dirs from workspace


  • apply delta to a file in place
  • may be blocked if there is a directory in place of a file
  • currenlty detected early in update_current_roster_from_filesystem


These are far from a complete solution but they should at least prevent update failing and leaving the workspace in an inconsistent state with files detached and left in _MTN/tmp

  • remove the file munging line ending conversion stuff which is all tied up in this
  • rename MTN/tmp to MTN/var (or something) and treat the existence of this dir as a workspace lock
  • update workspace format and migrate_workspace
  • add a new editable_tree implementation to do the preliminary run and check for attach and drop problems
  • clean up the "up here, down there" stuff in editable_working_tree once tests no longer depend on clobbering behaviour
  • add revert renames tests to see what happens when we have name conflicts

The editable_working_tree interface currently cannot create detached files in _MTN/tmp/ because it currently relys on the filename to determine line endings and encodings and file names are not known until attach time. We should probably move encoding/line-ending information into attrs in the roster so they are available when filenames are not.

Next Steps

  • remove simulated_working_tree and run roster_merge on a roster that represents the complete workspace contents (including known changes and unknown files)

eg, for update, the full set of rosters involved looks like this:

| \
|  \
T   W
 \  |\
  \ | \
   \|  \
    U   W+
     \  |
      \ |
  • B is base revision workspace was checked out from
  • W is the workspace revision (known-but-uncommitted content changes, rearrangements, attrs)
  • T is the update target revision
  • U is the updated workspace revision that includes the B->T changes (to be written out to _MTN/revision)
  • W+ is the full workspace revision (including all unknown files and directories for collision detection)
  • U+ is the updated workspace revision that includes all unknown files and directories

In the first pass, collision detection says that if there are any conflicts in U+, it's an error and we can't perform the update (or pluck, etc). Otherwise, we can, and we apply B->T to W to create U, and write that out.

Later, once we have a nice UI and agreed way to write out conflicts from a roster into a workspace for the user to resolve, these conflicts can be written out too. For example, this would allow both a newly added file in T and the unversioned blocker file in W+ to be written out as a conflict for the user to resolve.

Blue Sky

It would be nice to eventually allow for automated conflict resolovers. For example when updating wants to add a file that is blocked by an existing unversioned file we could:

  • leave the existing file and rely on status to see where things are at
  • clobber the existing file as we do now
  • raise a conflict and ask the user what to do

It seems like we may eventually want a filesystem interface that can be plugged into editable_working_tree so we can run against a mock implementation first and then again against the true implementation.

Affected Commands

The following commands should all eventually use the editable_working_tree interface so that they can all use the common conflict resolution machinery once that exists.

  • update currently does use the editable_working_tree interface
  • pluck currently does use the editable_working_tree interface
  • pivot_root currently does use the editable_working_tree interface
  • checkout now does use this interface, based on the implementation from the net.venge.monotone.editable_tree.checkout branch
  • revert does not yet use this interface but an alternate implementation exists on the net.venge.monotone.editable_tree.revert branch. this implementation is incomplete mainly due to the problems associated with workspace conflicts